Thursday, July 8, 2010

Crack the Code in Cyber Command’s Logo

In reference to Crack the Code in Cyber Command’s Logo:

At Solaris command prompt:

echo -n "USCYBERCOM plans, coordinates, integrates, synchronizes and conducts activities to: direct the operations and defense of specified Department of Defense information networks and; prepare to, and when directed, conduct full spectrum military cyberspace operations in order to enable actions in all domains, ensure US/Allied freedom of action in cyberspace and deny the same to our adversaries." | md5sum
9ec4c12949a4f31474f299058ce2b22a  -

Or using Perl:


use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);

$Code = "9ec4c12949a4f31474f299058ce2b22a";

$ClearText = "USCYBERCOM plans, coordinates, integrates, synchronizes and conducts activities to: direct the operations and defense of specified Department of Defense information networks and; prepare to, and when directed, conduct full spectrum military cyberspace operations in order to enable actions in all domains, ensure US/Allied freedom of action in cyberspace and deny the same to our adversaries.";

$Digest = md5_hex($ClearText);

print "\nClear Text: \"$ClearText\"\n\n";

print "Code  : $Code\n\n";

print "Digest: $Digest\n";


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