Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Perl, REGEX, modifiers and arrays

Suppose you have a file like this:

 1* 2* 3 4 5 6
10 20 30* 40 50* 60
100 200 300 400* 500 600
1000 2000* 3000 4000 5000* 6000*

You need to extract the group of numbers per line that have a * associated, the result should be like this:

1 2
30 50
2000 5000 6000

Could you find a language that you obtain the same result with less lines of code than Perl?


use strict;
use warnings;

while (<>) {


my @Data = /(\d+)\*/g;

print "@Data\n";


You can do it even with a one-liner:

janeiros@harlie:/media/disk$ perl -ne '@Data = /(\d+)\*/g; print "@Data\n"' data.txt
1 2
30 50
2000 5000 6000

From this example:

- The context, Perl assigning is sensible to the left part of the assignment sentence.
- The modifiers for the REGEXes, like the g in this case.
- The grouping for the extraction, the parentheses.

J. E. Aneiros
GNU/Linux User #190716 en http://counter.li.org
perl -e '$_=pack(c5,0105,0107,0123,0132,(1<<3)+2);y[A-Z][N-ZA-M];print;'
PK fingerprint: 5179 917E 5B34 F073 E11A  AFB3 4CB3 5301 4A80 F674

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